
The Preeminent Institute for Resilient and Sustainable Coastal Infrastructure 

 In 2016, through a yearlong faculty-driven process, FIU selected Bridge Engineering as one of five preeminent programs at the university. In 2017, in discussion with the Division of Research at FIU, it was agreed that bridge engineering is part of infrastructure and, given the FIU location, it would be beneficial to expand the scope of preeminent bridge engineering to include various aspects of infrastructure.

In early 2019, the decision was finally made to follow up with the original goals of expanding the scope of the preeminent bridge engineering program. This decision signified the establishment of the Preeminent Institute for Resilient and Sustainable Coastal Infrastructure (InteRaCt). 

  • 2016

    Founded in

  • 1

    of six preeminent programs at FIU

  • 2019

    when InteRaCt launched

The goals of the Preeminent Institute for Resilient and Sustainable Coastal Infrastructure (InteRaCt) are to identify engineering solutions to challenges faced by aging infrastructure and to develop innovative and economical technologies for creating resilient and sustainable communities.

Our Research

The goals of the Preeminent Institute for Resilient and Sustainable Coastal Infrastructure (InteRaCt) are to identify engineering solutions to challenges faced by aging infrastructure and to develop innovative and economical technologies for creating resilient and sustainable communities. The economic prosperity of the United States is closely related to the health of the nation’s infrastructure, which includes transportation, communication, sewage, water, and electric systems. InteRaCt serves as an umbrella organization that incorporates the ongoing major activities at FIU related to infrastructure. 

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