InteRaCt at FIU has offered free monthly webinars since September 2020. InteRaCt is continuing this series and maintaining an archive of the past events. The intended audience of these webinars includes engineers and other infrastructure professionals. The goals of InteRaCt are to identify engineering solutions to challenges faced by aging infrastructure and to develop innovative and economical technologies for creating resilient and sustainable communities. These webinars attract hundreds of participants each month.

 More information regarding the next webinar will be posted soon!



A consortium of five universities, are formed, to provide the nation, with the state of the art engineering solutions, to make the existing and new infrastructure, located in the eastern coastal and gulf areas, resilient to extreme events, such as hurricanes and flooding, including manmade events, such as terrorist acts. Further, to provide the decision makers, with tools and solutions to ensure that these coastal areas are able to return to normal operation, with minimal interruption to normal day-to-day life. Florida International University (FIU), as a lead along with University of Maine, Texas A&M University, Louisiana Transportation Research Center and University of Oklahoma are members of the consortium. Please contact Dr. Atorod Azizinamini, at, if you are interested in becoming a member.
