Shabnam Rezapour, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor: Engineering Management
Shabnam Rezapour is the assistant professor of Engineering Management program at Florida International University and the head of "Smart Decision-Making for Network-Centric Systems" research group since 2017. She received her first Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management at AmirKabir University in 2010 and her second Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering in 2017 at the University of Oklahoma. Her research focus is on “Architecting Resilient Societies” that are able to cope with and transform in the face of expected and unexpected chronic stresses (slow-moving disasters that weaken the fabric of societies such as environmental pollutions, climate change, and water shortage) and acute shocks (sudden and sharp events that threaten societies such as floods, hurricanes, terroristic attacks, and disease outbreaks). She develops analytical models (stochastic optimization/simulation models, statistical learning methods, etc.) to understand and analyze the vulnerability of network-centric infrastructure/systems against chronic stresses and acute shocks and develop optimal mitigation policies. Her specific focus is on Healthcare Operations in Disasters, Drought Mitigation in Water Stressed River Basins, Disaster Preparedness, and Optimizing Recovery Process for Disrupted Road Infrastructure. So far, she co-authored 3 books, 9 book chapters, more than 25 journal papers, and 15 conference papers in these domains.