Research on high performance materials are thus increasingly being considered for the enhancement of infrastructures, such as in bridges, buildings, and transport systems.

Research and expertise in sensors and sensing, imaging, item tracking, materials composition, information gathering and evaluation, including wireless transmission and reception.

The School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) is committed to providing unique capabilities in computer science and computational thinking to develop innovative solutions to today's complex problems.

Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Centers' (ABC-UTC) objective is to advance the frontier of Bridge Engineering by transferring knowledge to the profession and developing the next-generation of bridge engineering workforce.

Computation Mechanics
The computational mechanics research group at InteRaCt aims to find the engineering solutions for various challenges caused by the aging infrastructure and the increasing impact of natural hazards possibly related to the climate change through advanced numerical modeling.

The Corrosion and Infrastructure Materials Durability research laboratory addresses durability concerns of civil infrastructure based on applied electrochemistry in corrosion science and engineering, electrochemical diagnostic techniques, and structural materials and design.

Distributed Computing & Intelligence
Sustainability, Optimization, and Learning for InterDependent networks laboratory (SOLID lab) at FIU is an interdisciplinary research group bridging the gap between computing theory and real-world. Leveraging our mathematical background to develop novel algorithms tailored for large-scale computing and engineering problems.

The Smart Grid Test-bed laboratory at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University (FIU), is a unique contemporary research facility which was developed as an integrated hardware-based AC/DC system.

Green Pavement
Green Paving encompasses a number of practices that lower the industry’s carbon footprint while producing quality roads.

Lehman Center of Transportation
Lehman Center for Transportation Research (LCTR) was established in 1993 with the mission to improve our transportation systems by conducting cutting-edge research and educating a new generation of transportation professionals.

Non-Destructive Testing
NDE/SHM team focuses its research activities in the areas of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) application to bridges and buildings, non-destructive evaluation of cables in cable-supported and post-tensioned structures, development of novel approaches to Structural Health Monitoring and the next generation of low-cost, self-powered, wireless sensors, and risk-based inspection planning/decision-making support systems.

Research and expertise in sensors and sensing, imaging, item tracking, materials composition, information gathering and evaluation, including wireless transmission and reception.

Smart Construction and Human-centered Resilience
This program focuses on smart construction and resilience management of the built environment. The program also analyzes the functionalities of interdependent networks and integrates human-centered perspectives into infrastructure resilience management.

Smart Decision-making for Network-centric Systems
This research is in the domain of “Architecting Resilient Societies". It's specific focus is on Healthcare Operations in Disasters, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Drought Mitigation in Water Stressed River Basins, Disaster Preparedness, and Optimizing Recovery Process for Disrupted Road Infrastructure.

Research on nonlinear aeroelasticity of High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) fixed wing aircraft and rotorcraft (drones) for surveillance missions, flight mechanics of flying wing aircraft, and evolutionary design of aerospace systems based on constructal theories.

At FIU, the overarching goal of the InteRaCt water resources group is to maintain a nationally and internationally leading research on integrated water resources management, flood control, geyser eruption control in urban systems, smart-green infrastructure and ground water remediation.

The Wind Engineering research conducted by the faculty members at FIU’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and FIU’s Extreme Events Institute (EEI) is dedicated to creating a more hurricane resilient society. The research team includes experts in wind, civil and structural engineering.